Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What?.... A new post from the Sheridan's?

Well, I just remembered that I had this... I really knew all along but, with all the MyFace-ing/Twittering/Avoiding Lacey's Farmville Invites/Forgetting, I misplaced my Blog time.

Since last post... Almost a year ago! We have had the rumored baby. A beautiful baby boy, Judah Phillip. He weighed 8 lbs. 10 oz. and was 20.5 in. long. Born on my [Steve] birthday 01-11-10.

What a handsome boy, huh!?

Maleah completely loves him, how could you not? I think she is starving for more attention though. She has been an extra bit naughty lately but still a sweetheart compared to some other kids. She has recently started gymnastics with her cousin Rory. Which gives me an excuse to teach her some dangerous stuff!!!

Felicia is doing great after giving birth to another massive baby. She is slowly getting back into the grove of having a little baby around. I might be having a harder time adjusting. She is coming up on her six week check up so you can pray that everything be fine.

As far as me... I'm doing well. I'm very excited for our tax returns to come in so I can get some new toys! Here is what is coming my way Lord willing.

Felicia will be getting Hardwood floors and whatever else she wants... We were and are definitely blessed.

More updates to come... In a year or two...


Alisha said...

Glad to hear from you! Judah is just perfect, congratulations! And hooray for tax returns!

Lacey said...

What you're still alive? Wow, a new post. Thanks for the farmville shout out. I'm taking it as a compliment, lol.